Saturday, May 25, 2019


                Anyone still wondering why BQ refers to him as Baby Orange???

                Baby Orange won't work with Democrats if they don't stop investigating related news, the President also stamped his feet, kicked his legs up and down and threatened to hold his breath til he turns blue.........

                 Baby Orange once again claims he's a ....."really stable genius...."........'cause he knows the best words, m
akes the best deals, hires the best people..........

                 Baby Orange asks his minions to confirm he's calm.......just as soon they finish drinking those cups of Kool-Aid left out for them.........

                 Baby Orange re-tweets doctored videos of Nancy opposed to all videos of Baby Orange, which never require any doctoring to prove ignorance, evil and insanity.......

                 In time for Memorial Day, Baby Orange contemplates pardoning war criminals........thereby dishonoring millions of veterans who served honorably.......maybe the flag he loves to hug should have blood smeared on it.......

                 Baby Orange turns loose his mob lawyer (a.ka. the "Attorney General") to investigate his investigators............if anyone asked Barr if he's aware he's supposed to represent the United States Of America, he'd probably answer ...."huh? The United what?"

                 Ben Carson thinks Senators were asking him about Oreos......once again proving he's the only brain surgeon in American who's missing a brain......

                Baby Orange claims he's the most transparent President in history........while blocking every Congressional subpoena and hiding his tax returns and the un-redacted Mueller report.........but true enough, his mind is as transparent as clear plastic wrap.........really stable plastic wrap.....

                 Baby Orange scolds State Propaganda Network Fox News......for having the outrageous audacity to imagine they're journalists instead of minions........who the hell do they think they are? A free press?

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