Friday, May 24, 2019


Glass (2019)    You could exhaust yourself just thinking about the rollercoaster career of writer-director M. Night Shyamalan.........

                  This guy careened from Flavor-Of-The-Year/Heir-To-Spielberg to Got-His-Mojo-Back-Comeback-Kid........

                   Even writing this, I want to take a nap........

                   And sad surprise......with "Glass", he's back to Puffed-Up-Washed-Up-Poseur.........

                   Shyamalan desperately needs some rehab therapy for Ego-Holics........maybe a 12-step program for filmmakers who inflate their self regard to Hindenburg size.......

                    And we all know what happened to the Hindenburg........oh the humanity.

                    In no way will I waste my time (or yours) dredging through Shyamalan's lugubrious attempt to link up three of his previous characters into his own superhero universe.......

                   But at least one of them's having in "Split", James McAvoy puts on a bravura one man show as a multiple-personality an Off-Broadway ham with a stage all to himself........he's a lethal version of Sally Field's "Sybil"...…

                     Not having fun at all:  the bored, morose Bruce Willis, apparently burned out by his movie career and now glumly traipsing from one movie to the next, looking like he's about to get his wisdom teeth pulled actor aching for retirement.

                     3rd guy in the equation...….the inevitable, ever-present Samuel L.Jackson, mostly glaring as he once again plays the brittle-boned evil mastermind...……(you keep waiting for him to say, "what's in your wallet?")

                      Shyamalan, for this part, fritters away the bulk of his movie having these three oddballs under the care of a shrink (Sarah Paulson) trying to convince them they're delusional about their superhero status.

                      This tedious premise then gets dragged out, paced like an oil painting, until the director unveils his Big Twist...….and as you may have already guessed, it's lame, vague and only stunning in that it renders the previous two hours a complete waste of time...……

                      But no doubt Shyamalan, his ego newly re-inflated to Hindenburgian dimensions, must have deemed it brilliant.  I'm guessing he thinks he's a stable genius...…...

                      Pardon me, but from this point, BQ prefers to wait until M.Night's career once again swings around to Got-His-Mojo-Back-Comeback-Kid...…..

                      After this movie, he's overdue...….1 star (*)


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