Sunday, May 5, 2019


                  The Kentucky Derby     This is why my primary encounters with horse racing are watching "Secretariat" and "Seabiscuit".  (At least you know who's gonna win.....)   But let's think about this.......a whole slew of 1000 pound animals running about 40 miles an hour......all of them jammed close together on slippery mud.  What could possibly go wrong?

                  Baby Orange weighs in on the Derby.......probably cause Saturday Night Live cut him some slack this week, since even their writers are too nauseated by current events. By the way, did anyone mention to him that his sweet little North Korean boytoy is firing off more missiles?   You'd think that might occupy him for moment........but then Kim  said "what missiles?" and Baby Orange took him at his word.......

                   Memo to everyone posting news, reviews and articles about "Avengers Endgame" and "Game Of Thrones"............SHUT THE **** UP ALREADY ABOUT THIS!!!   STOP! PLEASE STOP!  WILL YOU STOP!!!!!!  YOU MUST STOP!!!!!!!!
                     'Daisy......Daisy.......give me your answer do......."

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