Wednesday, May 8, 2019


Nightmare Alley (1947)     Couldn't  help but notice the similarities between Donald Trump and 'Stan Carlisle', the carnival barker-huckster-con-man played to the hilt by Tyrone Power in "Nightmare Alley".........

                  Both men traffic in lies, fantasy and illusion.........hoodwinking their targeted victims into swallowing untold amounts of pure bullshit........

                  Stan separates the suckers from their cash by posing as a psychic spiritualist........he can read your mind and commune with your dead Granny........for a price.....

                   Trump fools millions of people into thinking he's a some kind of supreme, wheeling-dealing billionaire business genius.............until it's finally revealed what most intelligent folks figured out on their own.......that he's a two-bit, dumbbell hustler, careening from one spectacular financial disaster to the next...........(and if you wonder who could possibly fund such a loser, consider whose Russian ass he's been licking since he took office.......)

                    Now here's the big difference between these two scuzzballs........

                   In "Nightmare Alley", Stan is undone when all his cons and schemes face exposure.......he ends up going right back where he started - the carnival sideshow. Only this time he's reduced to taking the carny's lowest job......playing the beastly 'Geek', a half-man, half-monster who scares the rubes by screaming, jabbering and eating live chickens.......

                   Trump, on the other hand, simultaneously plays both the slick con-man and The Geek all at the same time..........turning GOP'ers into simpering minions cause he throws 'em tax cuts and Supreme Court sycophants.........while putting on a Geek Show for the MAGA Trumpanzees, jabbering racist, xenophobic garbage to jack up their darkest thoughts........

                   "Nightmare Alley" proved too dark a noir for studio mogul Darryl Zanuck.......he decreed a last minute redemption for Tyrone Power's destroyed grifter.....even if it seemed at odds with the rest of the film's relentlessly grim, downbeat story...........

                     Trump, however, wouldn't know or seek redemption if it bounced off the rancid cotton candy that poses as his hair.........he doesn't have to. Why would he?   Unlike Stan Carlisle's suckers, who come to realize they're being conned, Trump's suckers cling to him even as his every lie gets exposed on an almost daily basis......

                    Therefore, this post will go from the extreme high and low of the BQ rating system.....for "Nightmare Alley", 5 stars (*****), a forever FIND OF FINDS..........for Trump, the lowest, the AFH, forever an ABOMINATION FROM HELL.


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