Wednesday, May 29, 2019


The Night Window by Dean Koontz (2019)     Not that BQ didn't enjoy the hell out of 'em, but pardon me if I breathe a sigh of relief.........

               After five books, the main event (rogue FBI super-babe Jane Hawk versus the infinitely evil Techno Arcadians) finally wraps up........

               Don't know what I'm talking about?    In a nutshell......

               The Techno Arcadians, who sound like a dance club group, are a bunch of rich, influential sons-of-bitches setting up their own utopia........this involves injecting folks with nano-bots that form a web around their brains and turn them into zombie-slaves, answerable only to the T.A.'s........

                And the Technos, with tongue-in-evil-cheeks, command their nano-botted minions with catchphrases borrowed from Richard Condon's brainwash classic "The Manchurian Candidate" and Jack Finney's "Invasion Of The Body Snatchers"....

          in, 'Play Manchurian With Me'......and 'Uncle Ira isn't Uncle Ira'.........

               Say the magic words and they've got themselves an army of soulless, mindless lackeys.......kind of like when Trump shouts 'Lock her up!' to his rally Trumpanzees.......

                They've even engineered some extra brain-dead shmucks for assassin duty......dubbed 'Rayshaws' after 'The Manchurian Candidate's hapless dupe Raymond Shaw,,,,,,

                But wait! There's more!  (No, I'm not about sell you a knife-sharpener)........the T.A.s, who've penetrated the upper echelons of government and the media, also have a busy murder agenda.....wiping out random folks who they think might cause 'em grief.

                 Fools!  They make the mistake of zombie-fying into suicide the beloved hubby of our FBI supergirl Jane Hawk, Jane goes on the run and in disguise, embarking on a lonely, impossibly out-numbered quest to uncover and reveal this foul nest of vipers.

                  And boy, do these scumbags make it tough for her......framing her as American's number one fugitive and relentlessly hunting down her hidden Achilles heel - her adorable little son.

                  Five books worth of hairbreadth thrills 'n spills await you.........but in all honesty here, you may find yourself skimming through some of Koontz's over-written descriptive passages..........when he sometimes indulges himself in verbose philosophizing in the midst of all the action.

                  The main this fifth and final entry to a lengthy epic, you expect a solid, satisfying ending.........and no crapola "Game Of Thrones" finish designed to leave you gnashing your teeth and posting "WTF!" tweets.......

                  Take the BQ's word.......Dean Koontz delivers. For the series in totality, 4 stars (****).....if you haven't sampled these books yet, start playin' Manchurian.....and beware those RayShaws.......



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