Friday, May 3, 2019


Come And Get Me by August Norman (2019)    BQ doesn't dive into too many investigative thrillers (or 'procedurals'   they say)........'cause......well, they're so.....procedural......

             I know loads of people love these books where the slow, dogged uncovering of clues gradually leads to the killer.......BQ's not among 'em.....

             But surprise!   This one's awesome, a zippy page-turner about a rape-damaged journalist who returns to her college alma mater (and scene of the crime committed upon her)......she ends up tracking down a serial rapist kidnapper who enslaves his victims.

               All the expected multiple twists and reversals of fortune follow.......done in a fast-paced style that relies on dialogue rather than lengthy exposition......(and that''s a big BQ plus)......

                This being fiction instead of inconclusive, unsatisfying real life, the creepizoid villain here gets the kind of spectacular, cinematic fate that you wish was doled out to real life demons.......... like the couple who abducted Elizabeth Smart and the slug who held those three women in Cleveland for years on end.

                 Top of the line thrills 'n chills.......BQ says bump it hight up on your "to read" list.
4 stars (****)

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