Monday, May 13, 2019


Doris Day (1922-2019)     It seems fitting that one of BQ's most visited posts is the one about 1963's "Move Over, Darling" which Marilyn Monroe's star-crossed, aborted vehicle "Something's Gotta Give" was re-invented as a frothy farce for Doris Day.........

                ..........which found America's Sex Goddess replaced by America's  Girl Next Door........

               The deep irony here:  Day, a national symbol of cheerful virginity and eternal optimism led a personal life every bit as deeply troubled, turbulent and tragic as Monroe's.......

                 Day's married life consisted of a woeful rogue's gallery of horrific who physically abused her, left her and in the case of husband-producer Martin Melcher, looted the fortune she earned as the country's most popular movie star, leaving her widowed and broke.......

                  Add to that the cancer death of her only son and you have a life far different than the one unfolding in her many musicals and comedies.......

                   Though routinely mocked and derided by cynics, you'll notice nobody makes fun of Day's rare but stunning forays into dramatic roles.......the abused singer tormented by James Cagney in "Love Me Or Leave Me", the distraught mother of a kidnapped child in Hitchcock's "The Man Who Knew Too Much".........or even her work in the admittedly cheesy thriller "Midnight Lace" where Day threw herself into the role of a woman terrified into hysteria......

                     Like Frank Sinatra, she did it all and she did it her way.........making virtually every film role iconic and using her formidable vocal talent to become America's Official Songstress......even today, children of multiple generations can hum "Que Sera, Sera"........

                     If you grew up with her films and recordings, like the BQ, then you understand how her very name evoked  not only her persona but how we saw ourselves as a country........bright, happy and basked in sunshine........

                     I think it's safe to say that in this cyber-era of instant fame, instant notoriety and the instant disposable nature of pop culture in general, you'll never see the likes of her again......

                     And that's something to forever mourn.

                     Neither the Motion Picture Academy nor any other cinema organization ever got around to bestowing a Lifetime Achievement award to Day.........which says more about them then her.

                     Rest In Peace, Doris Day.

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