Sunday, March 17, 2019


                The New Zealand Shooter.........No more mincing words..........this large piece of excrement that walks upright as as much a son of Trump as Don Jr. and Eric.....this mutated larva sprang full grown from the never ending river of toxic lava that flows out of Baby Orange's tiny mind and flapping tongue.......

                  Baby Orange doesn't believe white nationalists are a threat.........of course he wouldn't .....after all, aren't they very fine people?

                   Baby Orange launches twitter attacks on dead-and-buried John McCain.......we can well understand his simmering anger and frustration..........with the fact that at this very moment, John McCain's decomposing corpse would still make a better President than a living Baby Orange.....

                  Baby Orange once again rages against Saturday Night Live.......Think about this for moment.....the Leader Of The Free World, who carries the burden of both National and worldwide security, the individual in control of a nuclear arsenal that could end all life on Earth......spends his time obsessing about  a TV comedy skit show that hurt his feelings.......

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