Wednesday, March 27, 2019


Elmer Gantry (1960)    Watching this again, if you look past the usual over-amped Hollywood melodramatics of can view a disturbing snapshot of the core of Donald Trump's notorious "base".......the people who've surrendered themselves to the cult-of-personality

                In the doughy, hypnotized faces of the rubes who gather 'round for Burt Lancaster's literally hell-raising revival-tent sermons, you can see them.......

                 They've sacrificed all intelligent reason and common sense as the failed-travelling-salesman turned fly-by-night evangelist Gantry holds them in his grip......

                   Pretty much the same way that failed real-estate con man turned make-believe President Trump regales his adoring red-capped throngs with "lock her up', "fake news"......and "I alone can fix it...."

                   In the film, as in real life, heartland evangelicals think they've been sent a savior direct from the Lord Himself.........and they're more than willing to look past his lies, immorality and the fundamental falseness of his piety........

                    For them, it doesn't matter........what matters is that Gantry and Trump put on one hell of a show......and in their spellbinding theatrics, they promise to calm all fears, solve all problems......if only the crowd will trust them.

                    Which the crowd does........

                    But there's a huge, disturbing difference between the fictional Gantry and the all too terrifyingly real Trump........(it's the same difference between Trump and Andy Griffith's multi-media rabble rouser Lonesome Rhodes in "A Face In The Crowd")

                    To make us all feel better......the movies provide stern falls-from-grace for Gantry and Rhodes.......Gantry's holy rollers turn on him and pelt him with tomatoes and eggs once the press reveals his dalliance with well-worn prostitute Lulu Bains (the astounding cast-against-type Shirley Jones, picking up an Oscar).....

                    Lonesome Rhodes career demise is even more spectacular.....inadvertently spilling out his utter contempt for his audience into a 'hot' mike.......broadcasting his true self to the very people who worship him.......

                    But nothing like those upending turns of fate ever affects Trump........since all of his vile personality and behavior occurs in plain sight........and with no repercussions or surprise from his followers.........he remains their anointed matter how many pussies he grabs, no matter how many dead war heroes he insults, no matter how many children he separates from their parents, no matter how many murderous dictators he falls in love with......

                   Maybe that's why I gravitate to classic films.........where the moral underpinnings of America still stay in place........where liars, cowards, con men and assorted false prophets get the comeuppance they richly deserve........

                   As opposed to the way we live today, where wrong is right, black is white, two plus two equals five...... and the deep, poisonous division between those of us who haven't given up rational, independent thought and the crowds still flocking into Elmer Gantry's tent.......and listening to  Lonesome Rhodes TV homilies.......

                   Since there's no more Hollywood endings in real life for real knaves (a la Richard Nixon)......we'll have to take comfort in 'Elmer Gantry's climax.....4 stars (****)......and keep prayin' for happier endings ahead........Amen, brother.

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