Thursday, March 7, 2019


Ralph Breaks The Internet (2018)    Suffering through this corporate vomitorium, we did something we thought we'd never do during a Disney animated film.......

              Yawn.  Frequently.

               Check our watch. Frequently.

               What a colossal mess......all of Disney's aggressive, self-satisfied, rapacious branding spewed out like a massive toxic oil spill.

                 And the final third of this film sets some kind of Disney animated record for intentionally punishing its comes close to coma-inducing.

                  Seriously........repeated fade-in/fade outs?  Who the hell were the filmmakers trying to impress? Film Festival culture vultures? Graduate film students?

                The Princesses all converted to pissed off, newly empowered SJWs?   Well, that we can understand...….since Disney execs might have quaked in fear at the thought of a disapproving tweet from Brie Larson......

                  Also horrific....(as if this movie didn't have enough problems).....the Teaching Of The Moral Lesson to all us unwashed slugs who don't know any better......"Let your friends be free to pursue their own dreams..."    This corporate homily gets drilled into the audience as if we're all Guantanamo cinematic waterboarding.

                  Long, long after it's made its point, the film perversely chooses to drag itself out for another twenty doubt in imitation of those interminable battles that clog  the climaxes of Disney's Marvel comic book epics.

                  We felt free to doze. And didn't miss a thing.

                  1 &1.2 stars (* 1/2) for the funny, clever stuff about the internet in the first half.......from that point on, proceed at your own risk......


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