Sunday, March 31, 2019


              Sorry to say farewell to one of our favorite, most familiar journeyman character actors, Shane Rimmer…….

              If you're a lifelong fan of sci-fi/fantasy films and TV, then you'd instantly shout out "Oh, yes, THAT guy!"  He managed to pop up in a slew of legendary, iconic movies......

             A Canadian, he joined the select group of actors always called upon to play Americans in British films and TV shows......

              You might remember him best from his most high profile role, the no-nonsense U.S. nuclear submarine commander who helped Roger Moore save the world in "The Spy Who Loved Me"...…

                And you'd easily spot him as one of Slim Pickens' B-52 bomber crew in "Dr. Strangelove" (along side the young James Earl Jones)… well control room technicians in "You Only Live Twice", "Diamonds Are Forever", "Star Wars-A New Hope", and the Christopher Reeve Superman films.....he also lent his authoritative, yet somehow comforting voice to one of "Thunderbirds" puppet characters...

                  Shane Rimmer enjoyed an incredibly fruitful career for a humble actor always spoken of as one of the nicest guys in showbiz...….

                  A warm, welcome presence every time we saw him on screen, he'll be missed. RIP Shane Rimmer…….we wouldn't have wanted anyone else manning those early-warning radar screens when supervillains attacked...….

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