Thursday, March 28, 2019


Fiend Without A Face (1958)   What?  I've managed to do this blog for close to 3 years without ever getting to this one????

                  High time.  Long overdue.

                  First thought that always struck like lightning.........1958??  How in holy hell did this one go out into the world, with its amazingly insane climax, in 19 Friggin' 58?

                   It's more like a batshit crazy late 1960's film that some perverse joker stuck in a time machine and sent back a decade he could cackle and giggle, imagining the looks on those 1958 faces.....

                    What an awesome premise to start out with........ invisible little brains leaping on to people's necks and sucking out their spinal fluids, cracking the spine itself while they chow down......

                     If this had been a typical super-cheap 1950's sci-fier, the brains would have probably stayed invisible......

                      But oh no. In the film's final minutes, the creepy, crawly bastards take form and shape, courtesy of quaint herky-jerky stop-motion animation.  Cute as they are, they launch a full scale assault on a room full of humans.......and a glorious people vs. brains free-for-all ensues......

                    In the heat of battle, B-movie stalwart Marshall Thompson blasts away at the fiends......who spurt out copious amounts of brain goo, accompanied by fabulous slurpy sound effects (like pumping out the last of a ketchup bottle)......they look like they're auditioning to play gunshot victims in future Sam Peckinpah movies.........

                    For lovers of beyond cheesy horror-sci-fi pulp, this movie comes close to orgasmic......

                   And before we forget, a special shout out to the unsung actor playing the official town the only living survivor of a brain attack, he gets just enough of his own brain sucked out to render him a drooling, moaning idiot.   The only thing this poor shmuck's missing now is a Make America Great Again baseball cap.......

                     So, so easy to rate this unquestionable 5 star (*****) FIND OF FINDS.  We only wish there stuffed-toy versions of the Fiends, so people could sleep with them around their necks.......

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