Saturday, December 1, 2018


                   Little did these two international arch-villains (and Trump BFFs) realize we obtained a transcript of a secret meeting held not long after they high-fived each other like two 15 year olds who just got laid.......

                    Smuggled to us by our top secret CIA source (code name Morty Blofeld), we present the English translation......

                    Putin:  Ah, there you are, you sandy Son Of A Camelhumper........

                    Prince:  Pooty Baby, how are they hangin'?  You look like a huge cancerous tumor on the side of a potato.....

                    Putin:   Congratulations on the Khashoggi hit!  Holy Stalin, did you do a job on that sorry-ass scribbler or what?  Carving him up inside one of your embassies?  Classic. You're my kind of scum.

                   Prince: Praise from Ceasar indeed!  Let's put it this way......the guy came in peace....he left in pieces...heh, heh.

                   Putin:  Aw, kill me......or more to the point, him! For real. Man, that took me back to the good ole days in the KGB basement.....You shoulda seen me with a chainsaw, a power drill and testicle pliers..... I doubled my quota every week..I ruled!

                   Prince:  Hey, don't sell yourself short, you  hairless weasel........gassing those people right in the middle of England? You got brass ones for sure. And all those other poor suckers you didn't like who just disappeared?  You da Man, Pooty-rama.

                   Putin:  What disappeared people?  Heh, heh, heh.... Never heard of 'em.  And now.....neither has anyone else...heh,heh, heh......

                   Prince:  Hey, what's up with our....uh....lapdog? You know, the adopted pet we have mutual custody of?  That clown who pretends he's President?

                  Putin:  You mean the neutered orange pit bull?  Heh, heh......Pumpkinhead has so many people coming after him, he barely has time to lick my ass anymore. So sad.

                 Prince: Is that crazy stuff true I heard......he was gonna build you a gold-plated Penthouse suite in his Moscow palace.....

                 Putin:  Yeh....what an asswipe.....too bad he couldn't get it off the ground.......not that I was ever going to set foot in that dump......I planned to have the place bugged and loaded with hidden cameras...... and then send the dumb bastard a shitload of whores to piss on.......

                   Prince:  I hear can never have enough videos of that lacky draining his tiny dick on a hooker.. you can make 'im jump through hoops even the place was just one more Trump erection he couldn't bring to completion.....

                  Putin:  Not bad, not bad.  Seriously, I'll miss that idiot mouthy putz when they finally lock him up for good. Maybe as a favor to him, I'll send somebody over to gas him in know, put him out his misery...….leave a note, too....'You're welcome! I just mad America great again!'.....heh, heh

                 Prince:'re a sentimental guy after all, aren't you?

                 Putin: Ehh.....yes and no.

                 Prince:  My're what I want to be when I grow up......

                 Putin:  Keep on keepin' on, you camel advice: next journalist you carve up.....this time, make him small enough to carry out in zip-lock bags......just tell White House Dopey it must have been rogue killers...….he'll swallow any shit you feed 'im…..

                 Prince:  Will do, baby.  High Five!

                 Putin:  Right back at ya...….hey, can I get a Khashoggi souvenir?  A finger? A toe? A spleen?  Can you autograph it for me?  Sign it...'The artist currently known as Prince'...…..


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