Sunday, December 9, 2018


                Baby Orange thinks Mueller's court filing 'totally' clear him........let's put a stop to the rumors that Baby Orange doesn't realize who 'Individual 1' is.......of course he knows who it is......Hilary Clinton.....or possibly Barak Obama.....or Santa Claus....

                 Baby Orange goes on a Twitter rampage before Mueller's court filings.......this is what  a guy falling from a 100 foot building sounds like before he hits the ground.......

                 Rex Tillerson claims he had to stop Baby Orange from breaking the law....Baby Orange calls Tillerson 'dumb as a rock'...... actually, Rex, you are dumb as a rock if you thought working for a psychotic moron was going to have any other outcome.....

                  Baby Orange promises his own counter-report to Mueller's findings.......we've seen a leaked copy of the counter-report page that reads, "I know you are but what am I?"

                  Baby Orange sits bored, with arms crossed at George H.W.Bush's kid likes being dragged to grownup events.......especially when they all say glowing things about the deceased that the kid knows he never was and never will be......


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