Friday, November 30, 2018


The Miseducation Of Cameron Post (2018)  Rehab camps to 'straighten out' gays are nothing new.......this subject got a comedy treatment in 1999's "But I'm a Cheerleader".......

                But leave it to nutcase, True Believer Christians to turn this concept into something abusive, creepy and plain evil.......

                 These are the same folks who wrap themselves in their bibles while embracing Trump, the most debauched, immoral un-Christian President in history.......

                  "The Miseducation Of Cameron Post",this year's Sundance Grand Prize winner,
 takes a surprisingly low key, even-handed approach to one of these odious 'pray the gay away' camps........which unfortunately may be why it quietly gravitated to streaming venues instead of making a splash in theaters.

                   Wherever you find it, it's well worth seeking out......primarily for the subtle, incisive performance of Chloe Grace Moretz, who's the Jodie Foster of her generation.

                   Playing the title role, Moretz adds another award-worthy portrayal to her amazingly lengthy resume........a sensitive teen who's fallen into the hands of a brother-sister pair of gay conversion therapists (John Gallagher Jr., Jennifer Ehle).

                    These clueless numbskull Evangelicals put on a good cop/bad show for their unhappy campers.......with Gallagher as the kindly sensitive Holy Roller and Ehle as the taskmaster of forced group therapy. (In the film's only 'in' joke, she's compared to the loony mom of "Carrie".....whom Moretz has already played)

                    Their horrific 'process', convincing the teens in their care to loathe themselves for their sexual preference inevitably backfires on them.......(this dawns on Moretz as she starkly says to Gallagher...."you have no idea what you're doing, do you?")

                     As much we admire the careful, measured artistry of this film, and Moretz's gifted acting, the lack of any true dramatic fireworks left us frustrated. Sorry, but we ached to see those gay conversion morons tossed in jail where they belong.

                    The film remains true to its quiet observation of this incendiary situation, offering a final catharsis for Cameron Post and her friends that's satisfying but still in keeping with film's gentle tone.

                    3 & 1/2 stars (***1/2)......(and what do Sundance prize winners get DVDs of "Downhill Racer" and "Jeremiah Johnson"? A parka? )

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