Saturday, December 8, 2018


                 Let's be clear before before we get into this........

                 We've cheered on the destruction of the scumbag sexual predators who finally met justice at the hands of the #metoo movement.......

                  We loathed Harvey Weinstein for years.......and never, in his endless career, did we ever laugh or find ourselves entertained by anything Bill Cosby did or said......(from the get-go, we sensed his public persona was a strictly a mask........but our jaw did drop when it was finally revealed the extent of that mask's phoniness......)

                   Matt Lauer? Charlie Rose?  Louis CK?  Kevin Spacey?  As far as we're concerned.......hit the road, assholes and don't let the back door bump your ass on the way out.....

                    But the Brave New World of #MeToo has also brought out the all-out lunacy of the......well, pick your own phrase.....the SJWs (Social Justice Warriors).....or Snowflakes.....who sniff out something to offend themselves in the most innocuous pop-culture trivia they can find......

                   Their latest target......the 1949 Frank Loesser song, "Baby It's Cold Outside".....written for Esther Williams and Ricardo Montalban to sing to each other in "Neptune's Daughter"......which turned into a much beloved Christmastime song, performed countless times by countless singers for close to 70 years......

                   Not anymore.  Snowflakes have declared that the song's playful, romantic banter evokes visions of Bill Cosby plying his victims with drugged the song's gotta go. And radio stations pulled it from their holiday playlists.

                   Our simple response.........are you whack-a-doodles f*****g serious?   Maybe you creampuffs should watch more award shows, where rap artists perform songs that have to be bleeped out 18 times in the 4 minutes it takes to sing them.  Where's the outrage there?

                    Enough. The whole topic's too ridiculous to even keep talking about........except to say we're going to make it our mission to find and listen to every single version of "Baby It's Cold Outside" right up to Christmas day.........and happily, loudly sing along.........just like Tony Bennett and Lady Gaga did last year.....


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