Tuesday, December 25, 2018


               Happy Holidays!  It's a 2-for-1 deal!  2 fictional Presidents ranting and raving about their reversals of fortune.........

                Tragically, one of the fake Presidents still sits in the White House today, ranting on Twitter......the other fictional Prez (the recently deceased Frank Underwood, a.k.a. Kevin Spacey) has risen from the dead to vent his psychosis on YouTube.......

                  Baby Orange bemoans he's all alone on Christmas....("....poor me")  The tweet left us in tears........poor, poor, poor Baby Orange.......deprived of golfing at Mar-A-Lago......forced to sit in the White House.........leaving thousands of government employees without a paycheck over holidays.........cause Congress won't cough up 5 Billion for the Great Wall Of Trump.......which he promised over and over  again to his Trumpanzees that Mexico would pay for.......Yes we teared up at the tweet..........with laughter.

                    Dead President Frank Underwood YouTubes his various split personalities...proving once again that the only thing more entertaining than a self-obsessed, egotistical actor bloviating in public is a self-obsessed egotistical bloviating actor headed for a courtroom after his arrest for sexual assault.......BQ Memo to Frank/Kevin.........you may have gotten thousands of clicks on YouTube, but Frankie......you're dreamin' if you think this act will play for a judge and jury......

                   Merry Christmas and all good things to all BQ visitors........(except the above mentioned duo.....)

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