Wednesday, December 5, 2018


               Beyond belief.......

               The Bush family reassured Baby Orange that he could attend George H.W. Bush's funeral without fear of insult or ridicule........

               Baby Orange needn't worry.  Any overt attempt to compare his toxic character and corrupt Presidency to the man being buried would be redundant.

               Beyond redundant.......worthy of a collective  "....duh".......

               Nobody has to say a word......(though some pundits have weighed in with the obvious...).....

               The stark comparisons between the life of patriotism, service and family led by George H.W. Bush and the foul, vile ugly life led by Donald Trump stand before the nation and the entire world to see.......

                We could only pray that some of the Trumpanzees watch the Bush funeral........and that maybe it would finally dawn on them.....the difference between a man of courage, bravery in battle and simple human decency........and the pathetic, bottom-dwelling creature they lionize at their rallies........

                Rest easy, Baby Orange. No one will hurt your easily wounded feelings at the funeral. Nobody has to.

                 Two lives, one lost, stand in plain sight together.  How we went from one to the other staggers the imagination.....sadly.

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