Wednesday, December 12, 2018


               We had a movie post all ready to go.........on a lame, grotesque, idiotic comedy......

                But this astounding TV spectacle easily trumped (pun intended) any lame, grotesque, idiotic film out there......

                Since this is the season for awards nominations.......

                Worst Performance By A Bad Actor Playing An Even Worse President.......once again, bravura work from Donald J. Trump.......sitting in front of a nationwide audience saying, ".....there's parts of the wall already built..." with a straight face. We don't know how he does it.

                 Best Performance By A Vice President Playing A Crash Test Dummy Without A Seat Belt.......Mike Pence, who totally seizes the day and makes this role his very own. We doubt that even Daniel Day Lewis could equal the nuance and semi-comatose skill that Pence brings to this the depths of his talent to create an indelible portrait of a non-entity daydreaming of oblivion......

                 Best Supporting Roles........Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer, playing canny politicians who easily goad a clueless imbecile into taking full responsibility for a government shutdown.

                 All in all, an exciting preview of an upcoming season that promises to be catastrophic for the host......and a desperately needed breath of fresh air for viewers.........

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