Friday, December 21, 2018


                A month before Baby Orange took the oath of office and oozed his way into the Presidency, some political cartoonist created a frightening, true portrait of what we had to look forward to......

                 He depicted Baby Orange as......naturally, a diapered baby.....smeared with blood.crawling on the floor in front of a huge world globe perched on a table above him.......and starting to pull on the American flag tablecloth that would send the globe crashing down to the floor - down to Baby Orange's level.

                  Welcome to the live action version of that cartoon..........

                  Baby Orange wishes "Good Luck" to convicted felon Michael Flynn......easy to understand's never too soon to start making friends with someone who might end up as your cellmate.......

                   Baby Orange decides to exit Syria after serious consultation with.........himself.......sleep tight, America, he's a stable genius who knows more than the generals.....

                  Speaking of generals......

                  Secretary Of Defense Mattis "retires" (according to Baby Orange)......evidently, B.O. didn't bother to read the letter General Mattis left behind.........which reiterates what anyone with half a brain has known for the last 2 years........that Baby Orange is a stupid, weak treasonous fanboy of dictators all around the world.........

                   Speaking of half-brains......

                    Republicans upset with Baby Orange over Mattis firing..... so the nation's biggest collection of spineless worms suddenly starts to feel a slight tingling sensation behind them....Medical Memo to Republicans: What you feel is your backbones trying to make a comeback.......look it up in WebMD if you've forgotten what a backbone is.......

                    Baby Orange shifts government shutdown from "I'm proud to shut the government down" to "it's the Democrats' shutdown...."......a profile in courage.......

                    Baby Orange quakes in fear at the sounds of........Ann Coulter and Rush long last, we know who's really in charge of White House policy-making.......

                     Baby Orange shuts down his "charity".......damn government's getting so a guy can't run a slush fund to write himself checks anymore.........

                Sarah Huckabee Sanders still claims Flynn was tricked by the FBI, even after a Federal judge makes Flynn swear under oath that he lied all by himself without any wonder Bagdad Bobbikins only holds ten minute press conferences........just to drop a few whoppers and head out the door........

                      Baby Orange re-brands his Wall as....."steel slats...."......Steel Slats?  Wasn't he a Private Eye in all those 1930's movies?   ('Steel Slats And The Lady In Red", "), wait a sec, he was the hero of those movie serials......("Steel Slats and the Ray Gun Of Doom")

                      File this one under.......'You Can't Make This Stuff Up'..........

                      'Fox And Friends' host berates Sarah Huckabee Sanders over Baby Orange's Syria pullout - "He's re-founded Isis!".........Memo To Baby Orange:  When the dumbest of the Fox minions suddenly sprouts a pair of balls and screams at Bagdad Bobbikins, you know you've got big problems.......

                        Baby Orange on the verge of shutting down the government if he doesn't get 5 Billion for his wall.........that's 5 Billion in American taxpayer bucks.......but hold on.......let's flash back to 2016........Baby Orange to Trumpanzee Redhats: "Who's gonna pay for the wall?" Trumpanzee Redhats in response:  "Mexico!"   Baby Orange: "Who's gonna pay for the wall?"
..........Trumpanzees responding:  "Mexico"     Memo To Trumpanzees:   Guess where the 5 Billion is coming from........hint: not Mexico.......

                        And our last update before ending this awful parade.....

                        Baby Orange finally gets his government shutdown,.........true to his nature as a delusional, pathological liar, blames the Democrats.......despite the video that the whole world has seen showing him 'taking pride' in owning the shutdown.........but when did truth ever shut him up.....




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