Sunday, December 30, 2018


Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom (2018)  How fitting this starts out with the older and still wiser Jeff Goldblum re-stating his thoughts from the first 1993 "Jurassic Park".......

              .......that maybe cloning dinosaurs out of prehistoric mosquito blood was a shitty idea.......

              Here's the deep irony.........that the motives of Universal Studios and the all the villains who populate the subsequent 'Jurassic' sequels are pretty much identical.

                Squeeze big bucks from the dinos.

                Whether they're corporate buccaneers, lying shysters,, military madmen or glory-hungry big game hunters, the 'Jurassic' bad guys invariably meet their fates inside the snapping jaws of the creatures they sought to exploit or kill........

                That's the 11th commandment in summer franchise blockbusters.......Thou Shall Meet Poetic Justice.......(this rule excludes B.D.Wong, who plays the scientist who engineered the dinos....he always manages to skate away from the carnage, his character becoming more reptilian with each new episode....)

                 The Universal Studios executives, however, suffer no such fate.........they live and thrive to count the box office money........

                We're not sure if it was inspiration or desperation that led the filmmakers of 'Fallen Kingdom' to turn the last half of the movie into some giant, screwball haunted house story......with dinosaurs instead of ghosts running rampant through the huge creepy mansion.......

                 What next?  Dinos sneaking on board the international space station?

                We know this much........with their ridiculous climactic twist, they've set up an impossible challenge for whoever inherits the next film in the series........(and we hold no doubts about the certainty of another 'Jurassic World'.......never underestimate any studio chief's salivating greed.... they're as hungry for cash as the T-Rex is for a tasty human snack.)

                2 stars (**)........for those who can never get enough chompin', roarin' and snappin'.......for everyone else, a deja vu weariness may settle in......



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