Wednesday, December 26, 2018


Past Tense by Lee Child (2018)    We've always admired Lee Child as one blockbuster franchise author who's unafraid, if the the mood suits him, to tamper with the tales of his hero, the wandering ex Army Major and Military Cop Jack Reacher............even at the risk of angering his huge fan base......

                 Rest easy, Reacher-ites......."Past Tense" is a comforting 'Greatest Hits' tour through all the familiar trope you expect to encounter in any Reacher novel.......

                   Hitchhiking as always, Reacher's travels leads him into a small New Hampshire town  where Reacher's deceased Marine Vet dad might have lived and grown up in.  While checking through the city records,  Reacher still finds finds enough time to do what we love him for..........punch out bullies from two separate powerful families, who promptly send out carloads of thugs to even the score with him........(heh, heh, heh, as if that's ever gonna happen......)

                   In a parallel storyline, outside of town in the deep woods, a young Canadian couple finds themselves taken prisoner in a sinister motel run by a bunch of genial but vaguely disturbing guys. Whatever these characters are up to, you don't doubt how ugly and evil it'll turn out.....once revealed.

                   Like previous Reacher villains who operate suspicious enterprises in the middle of friggin' nowhere, these creeps are practically beggin' for a thorough Reacher-ization....... in which our Jack will wander into their premises to open up a well-deserved can 'o premium lethal whup-ass.

                   No surprise here.....Lee Child makes sure Jack does not disappoint.

                    As a confirmed Reacher Creature, we had a great time with it, a fast, fun read. For franchise fans, consider this entry as a juicy Big Mac and extra special sauce......4 stars (****)

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