Friday, August 4, 2023



Trump does the perp-walk in D.C. to face his Jan 6th indictments, outraged and hurt the judge called him "Mr. Trump" instead of 'President'.......the judge decided it was more diplomatic to refer to him as "Mr", rather than her first idea -  saying 'President' but only by making air quotes with her fingers......

Trump pleads for the Supreme Court to intercede on his behalf and save him.......he immediately received a case of beer from  Justice Bret Kavanugh with a note attached....(Yo, Bro! Sorry for your troubles. Suck down some of these until me and the gang figure something out....but just in case, keep the Trump gassed and ready to go......).

Arraignment judge specifically warns Trump he'll end up jailed if he spews his usual threats against witnesses, judges and desperation, Trump was overheard whispering to the judge...."couldn't I stick my tongue out at them just once? Maybe twice?  How about if I put a whoopee cushion under Jack Smith's chair?"

Lindsay Graham continues to defend Trump, even after MAGA Trumpanzees booed him without mercy.......during a recent  airport X-Ray scan, an embarrassed Graham was detained by TSA officers, who found it suspicious that his scan showed no presence whatsoever of a spinal column.......

Piles of indictments render Trump's Presidential campaign with one single purpose keep himself out of jail......leading his campaign to send out new literature to potential donors, with a special message from Trump...."Please, you gotta shove some cash into an envelope and send it to me, these scumbag lawyers, imagine the nerve.....they expect to be paid. Don't they know who they're dealing with? C'mon, you wouldn't want me using my own money for this would you?  Remember, if you're in Florida, leave the cash in a plain paper bag next to Mar-A-Lago hot tub....I'll send Lndsay to pick it up....."

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