Thursday, August 24, 2023


 Becky (2020)    Gore hounds, grab your library cards......

               Cause BQ came across this prime, bloody chunk 'o red meat while touring Hoopla Digital streaming......( to which your local library may offer you free access....)

                Our title gal Beck (Lulu Wilson), she's one cranky article alright.....especially over her beloved single dad (Joel McHale) canoodling with a new girlfriend, who comes equipped with a little boy of her own. 

                 And her very bad day's about to get way, way worse.......with Dad's getaway woodsy vacation home invaded by four psychotic, homicidal prison escapees. (Kevin James, Robert Mallet, Ryan McDonnel, James McDougall). 

                  James, unusually cast as an Aryan Brotherhood goon seeks a mysterious key hidden in McHale's basement. (Don't ask....the movie won't bother explaining.)  What's it open, you ask? Don't ask that either, cause the movie seems to have little interest, other than as McGuffin to start up the carnage.......

                    But  wait!  Becky, hiding out in the woods, holds the literal key to James's heart. So much so that he executes her father in front of her to encourage her to give up the key.

                    From this point on, the Beck-in-ator, a born psychopath herself, goes on a blood drenched, vengeance spree. Feel free to cackle and giggle as you watch the Beck-meister liberally drench herself and the James gang in gallons of the red stuff and assorted body parts. Theirs, not hers....heh, heh, heh.  Oh wwwoooooopie! 

                   That's all there is to say, really.  You either dive off the high board into this Olympic pool of Plasma or don't go anywhere near it. 

                  C'mon could any self-respecting fanboy or fangirl stay away from a movie where a cute little girl shoves an outboard motor's propellers into a thug's chest?  It's like watching a Quentin Tarantino version of "Home Alone".....

                   Plus it moves at light speed and benefits from a fully committed cast, including an actually scary Kevin James, having himself a blast with his out-of-the-box scumbag portrayal. 

                  If you live for movies like this, it's a bowl of grisly goulash worth checking out.....3 stars (***).  (Stay tuned for our report on the sequel....titled, honest...."The Wrath Of Becky".


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