Tuesday, August 15, 2023


 Tilly In Technicolor by Mazey Eddings  (2023)

          Technicolor may serve as an apt description for this mega-sweet romance between two neurodiverse teens who fall head over heels for each other.  It's such an unabashed feel-good experience to read, I felt like I'd found my way into a good old-fashioned, classic Hollywood love story, filmed in gorgeous color across every spectacular scenic city in Europe. 

          And from the first chapter on, I found myself surrendering to the practically fairy-tale nature of what unfolds.   You just can't help falling for (and rooting for) this adorable pair. How could you not?They've endured a lifetime of living with and coping with the fact that their brains are wired differently from those around them, leading to no end of misunderstandings and hurtful experiences.   

            Tilly Twomley's ADHD keeps her mind racing at maximum speed in multiple directions while Oliver's Clark's autism makes human interaction a daunting challenge for him.   So naturally their 'meet cute' as fellow passengers on a flight to London goes comically awry.  And to their further displeasure, they discover they'll spend the summer together as interns for the fledgling nail polish line started by Tilly's older sister Mona and her partner Amina.....with Tilly serving as a hand model for photos by Oliver, who's a gifted student of colors and designs.

             When these four make their way across Europe to generate more business for the start-up, those inevitable romantic sparks start to crackle for Tilly and Oliver. As they begin to discover their similarities and anxieties in the way they see the world (and deal with it) a tentative connection between them slowly blossoms  And I can tell you as a reader, prepare to find your heart happily aching for them while you cheer them on every step of the way.

            Okay, maybe it rarely happens this way in real life, but it's so nice, at least while you're reading this, to believe it could - and 'Tilly In Technicolor' spins a enough enough of first love glow around you to make you believe. A quick read, but precision designed to make a reader sigh and smile all the way through it. And BQ visitors should already guess the rating on this one, knowing what a sucker for love I am...
5 stars (*****)

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