Thursday, August 10, 2023


Sisu (2022)    If I start writing something like 'this movie isn't for everyone', I'll run the risk of bursting into hysterical, maniacal laughter.......yes, the full Bwa-Ha-Ha-Ha-Ha-Ha!!

                Let me put it simply......if you can never get enough movies where a scumbag Nazi gets a hunting knife plunged far enough through his ear to see the blade sticking out of his other've found paradise by the dashboard light....

               As an exercise in primal, stripped down, no-frills 42nd St. Grindhouse gore 'Sisu' splatters gallons of red corpuscles with giddy abandon. 

              Try to imagine what Tarantino's 'Inglorious Basterds' would look like devoid of those mountains of clever Quentin-easque palaver......,with nothing left but the butchery.

              We're back in the final days of World War 2, this time amid the cold, gray, flat landscapes of Finland. A company of Nazis, fleeing to Norway, stop only to slaughter any Finns in their path. For efficiency, they're brought along some young women prisoners they can conveniently rape without even having to slow down. 

             Yep, we get the idea......these vermin don't just need killing.....they need some serious, take-no-prisoners decimating......these guys need their heads handed to them. Literally.

              And then, to their everlasting agony, they come upon grizzled old Finn prospector Korpi (Jorma Tommila). Korpi's just stuck a big fat vein of gold and doesn't take kindly to the Nazis helping themselves to his bag of the stuff dreams are made of. 

              As a matter of fact, he happens to be a legendary, virtually indestructible rogue commando, a one man Grim Reaper with hundreds of kills under his belt.  (The title 'Sisu' roughly translates to describe the determined quality of.....well, of some guy who'll keep coming at you until your internal organs meet the great outdoors....)

              What follows in the remainder of the film's 90 minutes?  Anybody care to guess?    -Are you thinking maybe a riotous, spectacularly grisly array of  blood soaked encounters?  In which the unstoppable Korpi, even when grievously wounded, manages to grind up the Nazis into a pile of steaming bratwurst?

               Der Bingo!

               Nothing left to describe or explain here.......either you fully embrace 'Sisu' as an over-the-top, lunatic, fabulist wallow in carnage or you stay the hell away from it. So I don't know if it's even worth the time to apply critical standards to a film that's already proudly waving its freak flag. 

               You go with it......or you don't go near it. 

                If it sounds like it's exactly your cup of blood, slurp it up as gold-plated serving of 4 star (****) gourmet gore.

               Not your thing?  Then I would even attach a rating.......  



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