Tuesday, August 29, 2023



The Wrath Of Becky (2023)    Yes....she's baaaaaaaacccckkkkkk!!

          The petite raging adolescent, whom we last saw churning up Aryan Brotherhood escaped convicts into mincemeat, is back in action.....

           And a whole new set of neo Nazi assholes, who've pissed her off to the max, now face........well, the title explains it all. 

           In her previous outing in in 'Becky' (2020) (see BQ post of 8/24/23). we met  the unhappy 13 year old (Lulu Wilson), still grieving over her mother's cancer death and resentful of her widowed dad (Joel McHale) finding a new girlfriend. And more misery followed when the home invading goons murdered dad in pursuit of a hidden key in their remote vacation house. 

           Revealing bottomless fury and a sadist's love of of eviscerating enemies, Becky laid waste to the scumsuckers who left her an orphan......and destined to spend the the rest of her childhood bouncing from one foster home to another. But several years later after the first film's bloodbath,  fortune finally smiles on the tormented teen when she find herself in the home of a gentle hearted, elderly black retiree (Denise Burse).

           Not for long,  though. While waitressing in a diner, the take-no-prisoners Becky runs afoul of three members of the "Noble Men" They're a gun toting band of  white supremist dorks just waiting for the word(presumably from Trump) to overthrow the U.S. government and once again make the country safe for involuntary celibate white guys....... 

             In other words......a thinly fictionalized version of Donald Trump's very own Proud Boys and Oath Keepers, weak minded minions still living in their parents' basements and fantasizing about goals beyond their limited skills......like ever getting a date or having sex with a girl......(which they can only substitute by stroking the barrels of their AR-15s.....or themselves. 

             Tracking Becky down to the old lady's house, an odious trio of three ignoble men execute the poor woman and steal Becky's beloved dog......very bad moves on their part, as well we know from the first film.........

             The Beck-inator finds them at their home base, the expansive cabin owned by their Commanding Asshole (Sean William Scott).......who's about to launch a public assassination of their prime target, a latino congresswoman.......

                To which we can only say......fat chance. numbnuts.....

                Let the carnage commence!    (Which I'll not describe in detail for fear of spoiling all the fun of watching a movie like this in the first place.

                 And now we've come to the point where you've easily figured out whether this movie's enthusiastic deployment of Grindhouse gore had you at 'hello' or not....

                Personally, the BQ can never get enough films that feature brain-dead Trumpanzees suffering the most entrail spewing deaths imaginable......

                  And who better to dole out their just desserts than a heavily armed, cute teenage girl? 

                 You had BQ at hello. 3 stars (***).



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