Wednesday, January 6, 2021



We Are All The Same In The Dark by Julia Heaberlin (2020)    Once again, we almost lapsed into that dreaded first line so beloved  by avid readers who post their reviews on Goodreads....

           ......where we'd say this is the first Julia Heaberlin book we've read but it won't be our last.......

            God forbid if we ever started a review like that.....we'd feel like one of those supremely annoying people in the Progressive TV ads, the ones who need a life coach to stop them from turning into their fathers.......

             But to tell the truth, this really won't be the last Heaberlin book we read, since we've had an earlier one, "Black Eyed Susans" parked on our e-reader for a couple of years now.

           For now,, let's get right to this one. Simply, it's a corker, a top notch must-read for all fans of thriller-suspense-mystery novels.

          Even better than that, its prose is as richly conceived, crafted, and insightful as any work of pure 'literary fiction'. 

           And combining those two elements, to put, gifted writing in the service of a twisty intricate plot is one hell of tightrope walk for any author. 

            Not everyone can pull this proof, look no further than our 12/4/20 post on "The Flight Attendant",  author Chris Bohjalian's dopey, dumbly plotted attempt at a 'literary' thriller.

           Julia Heaberlin has no such problems. She sucks you into the deepest heart of Texas and a small town obsessed by a one particular family afflicted with unimaginable cruelty, violence and murders. 

            To say any more about this book's story would diminish the edge-of-your-seat excitement you'll get experiencing every single twist and surprise........not to mention all the beautifully written heartbreaking moments that occur throughout and  right up to the very last page. 

           We can't think of a better way to heat up a cold winter's night than setting down with this novel, our first official 5 star (*****) FIND OF FINDS for the new year. Grab it and dig in.


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