Wednesday, January 6, 2021


 As we speak, Baby Orange's Trumpanzees have stormed Congress, sent House and Senate members fleeing for safety while his  goons occupy the House Chamber.......

           Once again, exclusive to this blog, BQ managed to sneak in a phone call to the Oval Office.....

BQ:  Mr. President?  Are you watching the news now?

BABY ORANGE:  What a sight!  I finally did it, I finally destroyed a democracy that's lasted over 245 years!  My work is done!

BQ:  Quite an achievement, Mr. President. Just what exactly did you have in mind here? 

BABY ORANGE: Trumpsylvania!  We've already designed the new flag!  Once my gang clears out those traitorous scum in Congress, I'll be coronated President For Life!  Just like Putin, Fidel Castro, Papa Doc Duvalier and Mussonini!

BQ:  Deep down, you do realize that's not going to happen, right?  

BABY ORANGE:  Says who?!

BQ:  Says the Constitution of the United States of America.....

BABY ORANGE:  That bullshit scrap of paper means diddly squat to me.....I've wiped by ass with it for the last four years.

BQ:   We know, Mr. President, we know.

BABY ORANGE:  Listen, I'd love sit around and chat, but I gotta hang up I've got a whole ****in' country to overthrow here. You think that's easy?

BQ:  There is some good news down the road for you, sir.

BABY ORANGE:  You mean my coronation?

BQ:  No, we meant the excellent psychiatric care you'll receive in prison after you've been indicted in New York for tax fraud. Toodle-oo.....

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