Sunday, January 17, 2021


                 Like almost everyone else in the country and the world, we hardly can process the catastrophic events of the last few weeks.......

                 But since we've got a blog, we'll give it a go......

                  BABY ORANGE.....America's first official Traitor-In-Chief. A complete failure at everything, including his last gasping, desperate attempt to fire up an army of his mindless goons to invade the Capitol and install him President For Life. Only his overwhelming ignorance and incompetence saved us from the horrors of a fascist dictatorship.  The one and only comfort to the end of this reign of terror, hatred, cruelty and racism is that once stripped of his Presidential powers,, winter is coming for Baby Orange.  Along with indictments.

                   THE TRUMPANZEES......Hilary Clinton's calling them 'Deplorables' proved to be biggest understatement of the last 4 years.  A true horrorshow, nightmarish horde, a plague of fascistic locusts spawned by a monster......and a terrifying preview of coming attractions if Americans ever fall back into complacency and don't vote with the same fervor they displayed in cutting out the cancer of Baby Orange.

                    MIKE PENCE......maybe he might have reached an epiphany if the Trumpanzees made their chants come true and actually gotten to put a rope around his neck. Hey Mikey, if Trump's Imperial Stormtroopers ever caught up with you,by the time they'd got done with you,  you'd have more than just one fly landing on you..........

                      THE 'MY PILLOW' GUY.....still dreams of Baby Orange using the military to seize the country......which is why his head, like his pillows, consists of nothing but fluffy stuffing.

                    TED CRUZ & JOSH HAWLEY......if this was a fair world, these two additional traitors would end up expelled from Congress, indicted, tried, convicted  and jailed for sedition. In the real world, we may only enjoy the satisfaction of knowing that their reputations stand forever stained and will go down in history as infamous figures. By the way, Ted.....even with all your endless kissing of Baby Orange's ample ass, he still thinks your wife's ugly and your dad killed JFK,

                     BABY ORANGE'S MILITARY include a 21 salute and a red carpet. Melania promises to speak for the a grateful nation by wearing her "I Really Don't Care, Do U" jacket. A special Medal Of Freedom will be bestowed on Baby Orange by a Grand Wizard of the KKK. Vladimir Putin declined the invitation to attend, claiming, "I'd cry like baby. I'm going to miss him so."

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