Thursday, January 28, 2021


 The Best Man (1964)   Watching this again, we don't know what to choose as a more vital discussion topic.....the film's corrosive view of 1960's national politics or how prescient the film seems in light of today's toxic current events.

               Novelist-playwright-screenwriter and acerbic pundit Gore Vidal adapted his own hit Broadway play for the screen.......a withering, witty inside look at the frantic power ploys going on the middle of the hurlyburly of political party's convention.

                Facing off for the coveted Presidential nomination are two polar opposites.......ex Secretary Of State William Russell (Henry Fonda), a principled, thoughtful patrician.......and Senator Joe Cantwell  (Cliff Robertson), a conniving, ruthless 'populist', stoking up his chances with anti-Communist rabble-rousing.

                Both men desperately seek the endorsement of the aging, retiring current President Art Hockstader (Lee Tracy), a wily, savvy old political warhorse, who's trying to figure our which of the two men has enough  balls and smarts to take on the insurmountable job of President.

                It's not an easy choice, since both men come equipped with scandal-ridden baggage......Russell not only carries a history of philandering, he's also been treated for a nervous breakdown.,,,,,and the repugnant opportunist Cantwell has been accused of homosexual episodes during his Army service.

                Let the sparring and sniping begin........

                The slimy Cantwell (whom Vidal clearly based on Richard Nixon) has no problem threatening Russell with exposure of his damning mental health history........while Russell wrestles with his conscience about revealing the homosexual dirt on Cantwell (remember what year this was made.)  Russell's agonized about wallowing in the mud with Cantwell, even as he arranges a confrontation between Cantwell and his primary Army accuser....(a brilliantly sad and funny performance by comedian Shelly Berman)

                 As the two men each attempt to out-maneuver each other, writer Vidal peppers the script with a treasure trove of  razor sharp dialogue lines (one of which we've borrowed for the title of this post). And Vidal's knowing, sardonic overview of the political scene confirms all your worst fears and suspicions about the people who quest for you votes........that they're all glib talking con men with not a thing on their minds other than getting elected and seizing the brass ring of power. 

                  Hmmmmm........does all this sound a little too familiar?

                  At this point, we'll leave you to decide how much of this film you see reflected in what's going on today.........(though we doubt that even Gore Vidal could have ever envisioned a populist moron who'd incite and deploy an army of mindless goons to overthrow the United States.....)

                  And by the way, let us not forget to mention that this movie boasts stellar performances from the entire cast,  a script that takes rips apart political operatives with laser beam precision and a climactic resolution dripping with acidic irony. 

                   Our way of saying......don't miss this 5 star (*****) FIND OF FINDS.

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