Thursday, January 7, 2021



  A little over 4 years ago, on February 17th, 2017, we posted on the 1935 Sinclair Lewis novel......about a fascist takeover of the United States. 

               At the time we reviewed it,  82 years after its publication, the book was climbing up the bestseller lists, along with George Orwell's "1984".

               Of course they were. Because many of us held a deep growing fear that these authors foretold where we were headed with Trump in the White House. 

                 And look what happened yesterday, January 6th, 2021, a date now etched in American history along side December 7th, 1941 and September 11th, 2001.

                 The day we sat in front of the TV, our mouths gaping open in horror, disgust, fear and anger.

                 Our post about the Lewis book carried the sub-title.....'It can't, can it?'

                 It did happen here.  Yesterday. 

                  We all watched it. The whole world watched it. With heads bowed in sorrow. 

                 The United States Of America, which stood proudly for near 2 and a half centuries as a beacon of freedom and democracy........overrun by fascist goons who sold their souls and minds to one man.

                 It did happen here.  A spectacular sneak preview of the end of America and the unfathomable horrors that could await us in the future.......if we don't take action.

                 Maybe it's fitting that the first retaliatory blows were fired off by Twitter and Facebook.....temporarily shutting of the spigot of toxic waste that forever flows out of Trump's tiny mind and corrosive mouth. 

                  That's not enough. Not nearly enough. 

                 In no way, shape or form should this human cancer be allowed to call itself President for another two weeks. 

                 It's time for impeachment, time for the 25th amendment to be implemented. Time to apply emergency chemotherapy to this malignant tumor that attached himself to our Republic, our Democracy.

                It did happen here. And everyone needs to keep the indescribably foul sights and sounds of Janury 6th, 2021 in our memories forever.

       it never happens again. 



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