Wednesday, January 13, 2021



 Save Yourselves! (2020)     It's been awhile since we indulged ourselves in a cathartic rage 'n rant about one of those miserable, unwatchable, independent film festival atrocities that beg like lap dogs for approval from Sundance culture vultures.......

                So here we go!

                The makers of this disasterpiece must have high-fived each other repeatedly over what they thought was a concept too cool for school.......

                Why not take the usual obnoxious 'millennials blather away at each other' trope and improbably weld it to an alien invasion story.........genius!

                  No, not genius. Imbecilic. Tedious. And as a comedy, monumentally unfunny

                Eating up the first interminable chunk of this crapfest's running time is the introduction of our twenty-something, social-media crazed couple, Su and Jack (Sunita Mani and John Reynolds, two actors we wouldn't mind never seeing again.)

                Off these idiots go to a friend's cabin retreat in upstate New York.......and gradually they come to realize the world's been invaded by furry little aliens who resemble the beloved Tribbles from one of the first episodes of the original Star Trek TV show.

                  The creatures, whom our two motor-mouthed morons dub 'pouffs' are far from the gentle Tribbles. Malignant and violent, the pouffs spit lethal tentacles, suck gas out of cars and kill people. 

                   And then the rest of the film consists of punishing us with the spectacle of Su and Jack in panic mode as they flee the pouff purge.......(leading them to scream the inevitable line, "There's pouffs on the roof!"

                   This stench filled turd of a film does remain true to the spirit of countless other pretentious Sundance Festival that it remembers to come up with maddening, stupid, non-ending of a climax designed to stir up the festival-istas, when the audience and filmmakers get to preen and bloviate at the post-screening Q & A..

                  In hell with this movie and all the guilty parties who committed this crime against cinema. 

                   Zero stars (0). But we're sure the filmmakers' immediate families loved it.  We post this  review in the fervent hope that nobody else wastes a precious minute of their lives watching it. 

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