Thursday, January 21, 2021



                 You've noticed we replaced the word "madness" with "normal" for this post.

                 We can hardly believe it ourselves. 

                  Four years of madness. Four years of unspeakable stupidity, greed , cruelty misogyny, racism, corruption, psychosis, attempted fascism.......and thousands upon thousands of lies. Endless, endless lies.

                   It finally,  finally came to end yesterday. With the dawn of a new era. A new President.

                  A sane President.

                  Not a President who'd send a howling mob to the Capitol to abduct and murder members of Congress and hang his own Vice President.

                  Not a President who thinks  neo Nazis are 'very fine people.'

                  Not a President who dragged shrieking toddlers out of their mothers' arms. 

                  Not a President who bragged of clutching women's crotches.

                 Not a President who tried to overturn a free and fair election......because he lost. Especially because he lost due to millions and millions of voters of color rejecting him. 

                 No, that guy went home yesterday.......back to his golden toilets and golf courses. And true to his depraved, empty soul, he went still whining falsehoods, accompanied by his family of fellow grifters and his equally soulless, vapid trophy wife who can barely stand to have him touch her. .

                  That guy's gone........and it feels like a crushing, ten ton weight has been lifted off our chests.

                  And to witness the inauguration of a sane President.

                   Let's repeat that again, because we still can't believe we'd ever have to write something so completely fantastically out of the ordinary.

                   A sane President. 

                   A President to restore, at the very least.......decency, civility, morality. 

                  And compared to what seemed like the never ending horror of the last four years, that's a start.

                   Well,  we've gotta start somewhere.........

                   To President Biden and Vice President Harris......we offer best wishes, good luck and God grant them both the wisdom and the steely fortitude they'll need to rebuild the nation.  

                    And no more madness.....let it fade away to nothing, along with the madman. 



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