Tuesday, January 26, 2021


 Pretty Little Wife by Darby Kane (2020)   Once again, we're faced with the usual challenge.....

               How do we describe this twisty and twisted mystery thriller without spoiling the fun of discovering all the WFT moments and surprises.........

                And let's face it, the primary reason you'd pick up a book like this comes from staying up all night promising yourself to read just one more chapter so you can figure out that the hell's going on.......

                 Before you know, you've reached the final chapters to savor all the payoffs.......and it's 2 in the morning.....

                 We'll now try to tantalize you enough to go out and grab a copy so you can start losing sleep like we did. .

                The trophy wife here, Lila, may well have the worst taste in men ever........starting with her arrogant douchebag husband Aaron, a champion gaslighter and.....and....well, let's just say there's more to him than meets the eye.....none of it good. 

                 Aaron's dropped out sight, a true gone guy in the great tradition of missing spouses in domestic thrillers.

                  And guess who the cops are sniffing around and sizing up as their number one suspect......especially since Lila doesn't seem too grief stricken or worried about Aaron's disappearance, and spars like a champ through repeated police interrogations. 

                 So what happened to Aaron? And is his case any connection to a slew of young girls who've also gone missing? And what's with the creepy, threatening notes left on Lila's doorstep?   

                 If you think you can guess the worst things, you'll be wrong, since Darby Kane doubles down on sick twists in store for you.

                  Not one more word will you hear from us about it. 

                   Author Kane takes her time setting all this up, but once the twists start detonating, your jaw may stay permanently dropped as you're tearing through the pages to arrive at the endgame.

                   Terrific chills 'n thrills, with a deeply ironic, perfectly crafted wrap-up. 2021 is still young but we think this one will stand as one of the best suspense rollercoaster rides of the year

                   BQ says by all means seek it out. 4 stars. (****)

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