Monday, January 4, 2021


 We simply couldn't's a transcript of a call we made to the White House this morning....

BQ:  Mr. President, how they  hangin'?

BABY ORANGE:  Stormy, is that you? I told you never to call me on this line.

BQ:  No, sir, it's Scottie from The Beached Quill.

BABY ORANGE: How the hell did you get this number? 

BQ:  Believe it or not, it was scrawled on a men's room stall at McDonald' said 'For a good time and a 3rd world dictatorship, call....." 

BABY ORANGE:  Probably Rudy screwing around. What the hell do you want?

BQ:  I found you the votes, Mr. President. The 11, 780 votes you asked for so you could overturn a free and fair election!

BABY ORANGE:  No shit?  I knew it! I knew somebody would dig 'em up for me!  You're spectacular! I'm gonna send you a MAGA hat and a Medal Of Freedom!  Where'd you find them?

BQ:  It wasn't easy, Mr. President.  But I had a little help from your good buddy, Ted Cruz.

BABY ORANGE:  Really? Cruz The Shmooz came through for us?  What a guy!  Even with that ugly wife and a dad who helped kill JFK, he still stood up for me.

BQ:  Stranger things have you being President, for instance.

BABY ORANGE:  Well thank Christ you found the votes.  Where'd you find them, anyway?

BQ:  It took quite bit of effort......but Ted and I pulled them all out of Lindsay Graham's ass!

BABY ORANGE: You son of a bitch, that's fake news isn't it?

BQ: Yeh, sorry about that. Here's some real news for you......You're history in 17 days!  Have fun when the Third District of New York indictments start rolling in!

BABY ORANGE:  Get off the goddamn line......I gotta find those votes.....

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