Saturday, November 17, 2018


              Baby Orange throws twitter tantrum at Mueller......sounds like someone needs a diaper change and a nap.......or maybe an orange jumpsuit......

              Baby Orange claims illegal voters ran outside, switched into costumes and voted again......he's costumes were needed at all, they had 'Mission Impossible' rubber masks that made them look like Tom Cruise......

               Mail Order First Lady gets National Security woman kicked out of the White House........this whole thing's nutty on multiple levels......the National Security staffer can't be all that bright - usually, everyone learns during their first job in the workforce that it's a dumb idea to piss off the Boss's wife.  As for Mail Order First Lady........what, no pillow talk to force Baby Orange to fire someone you don't like? Public news releases instead......really?    Hmmm......maybe the romance is deader than Baby Orange's thought process.......

                Baby Orange too busy with phone calls to attend Arlington Cemetery on Veteran's Day......ever since the local McDonald's started accepting the White House calls for take-out........

               Baby Orange wants Florida recounts shut down before military votes can be counted........since there's no massive Baby Orange military parade for them to march in, who needs 'em anyway?

                Baby Orange says he answered Robert Mueller's written questions all by himself, with no help from his lawyers.......prompting investigators on the Mueller team to respond....."hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah...

                 Baby Orange says that under his administration, U.S. is the 'envy of the world'......In other news, the BQ's blog posts win the Nobel Prize for literature........

                  Baby Orange thinks you need I.D. to buy cereal........but only those special boxes of Froot Loops that have Baby Orange on the box as the cereal's new mascot...…

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