Thursday, November 22, 2018


                 In no particular order.......the BQ's eternally thankful for......

                  *Robert Mueller - quietly, relentlessly working to save the United States Of America

                  *The newly elected House Of Representatives -  who no doubt will work relentlessly, but maybe not so quietly to save the United States Of America

                   *Federal judges and Supreme Court Justice Roberts -  for reminding Baby Orange that contrary to his delusions, we all still live in the United States Of America......and not the mythical Banana Republic of Trumpsylvania.......

                    *The free Press of America........whom Baby Orange, like his Saudi bedmates, would probably murder if he thought he could get away with it........

                     *Steve Colbert, Jimmy Kimmel, Seth Meyer, John Oliver, Samantha Bee, Saturday Night Live, etc, etc -  for their continuing to hurl that singular weapon that wounds Baby Orange to the empty heart of his very rotten core.......ridicule.

                     *Stephen King and J.K.Rowling - for the all-time best, most succinct tweets about Baby Orange.......

                     *Steve Schmidt and Rick Wilson - for the all time best, cable news commentary on the ravages of Baby Orange

                      *American voters - who struck the first serious blow in the battle to bring back the United States Of America.........and rattled Baby Orange to new loony heights.......

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