Wednesday, November 7, 2018


             Our U.S. mid-term elections remind us of the aftermath of one of those 1950's H-Bomb tests...

              Infinite amounts of heat........and a toxic cloud of radiation still hovering.......

              A mixed bag. Split decision. Everybody's simultaneous winners and losers.

              What frightens us the most.......that a chunk of the electorate has permanently embraced the most racist,blatantly lying, anti-American, anti-Democracy ignoramus ever to be elected President.

               So the ongoing civil war of a deeply divided nation remains as violent and incendiary as ever.......

                The war goes on. The Resistance (of which we're proud to call ourselves a member)......versus the Cult Of Baby Orange, people who've sacrificed everything at the altar of their Dear Leader......their moral compass, their humanity, their own self-interest and common sense.....

                Drinking deeply of the cult kool-aid, they blindly accept whatever insane lies pour out of their hero's mouth.......watching them nod their heads at Baby Orange's Nuremberg rallies is a more terrifying sight than any horror film we've ever seen or written about.

                There's really nothing to celebrate here........including the thought of all those Democratic congress-people making Baby Orange's life difficult for the next two years.....

                More civil war, more amped-up hateful rhetoric........and no telling how much more damage we will all inflict on ourselves as the years drag on.......

               Where does this all end?  We've no idea.

               But we're pretty sure of this........if the Democrats don't find a 2020 Presidential candidate to rid the nation of Baby 2024, when he declares himself President For Life, we'll no longer be known as the United States Of America......or America at all, for that matter.....

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