Saturday, November 24, 2018


                Baby Orange doesn't believe the CIA's intel, thanks the Saudis for low gas prices...….and secretly whispers to the Saudis, "Hey, I bet that fat slob news guy musta screamed like a stuck pig when you sawed him into pieces...….I'll say one thing for you towelheads, you sure as shit know how to handle the press...…"

                Baby Orange whines about judges who rule against him.....(including the ones he appointed...) …….and mumbles to himself, ….."goddamn, I bet Putin doesn't have put with this crap from judges.....or the Saudis either....."

                Baby Orange, on Thanksgiving, gives thanks...….to himself.....continuing one of history's most passionate, enduring love affairs.....of Baby Orange.....with Baby Orange...…

                 Baby Orange experiences one cold day, then wonders 'what happened to global warming?'.....and also predicts , since he failed to see his shadow on the White House lawn.....six more weeks of winter...…..take that, global warming!

                 Baby Orange tweets insult to Rep. Adam Schiff, spelling his name 'Schitt'...…….across the United States, 10, 492 middle schools offer to re-enroll Baby Orange in 8th Grade, where he'll feel more at home and considered a laugh riot by his fellow bullies.....all giggling hysterically at 'Schitt'...….(before they move on to other rib-tickling 'Uranus'...)

                 Contrary to Baby Orange's dire warning, hordes of immigrants do not invade America...….surprise, surprise, surprise...….

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