Monday, November 12, 2018


The Wild Affair (1965)   Unearthing incredibly obscure movies like this was part of why we started the BQ to begin with.......

              And Holy Swingin' 60's.......what an oddball treasure this is.......a raucous guided tour through ribald British comedy and virtually every sexual trope of the 60's......throwing in every single role ever assigned to films of that era - perky virgin, exhausted slut, snotty bitch, uninhibited horny babe, etc,etc.....

              Fronting this three ring circus of mock-depravity.......Asian starlet Nancy Kwan, playing an impossibly adorable 20 year old office worker about to kiss off her job to settle down and marry her doofus boyfriend.........(hey, it's the 1960' the idea of women having both a career and family are decades and decades away......)

              In Kwan's long career, hardly any director took advantage of her live-wire flair for comedy......but this film lets her run with it. She out-shines even Doris Day in wholesome purity combined with simmering sexuality.......

              And this movie takes both sides of Kwan's ingenue character to having her look into mirrors and converse with her imaginary, unbridled sexpot alter ego......

                So Sweet Nancy and Hot Nancy converge on her last day at work......which also happens to be the day of the office Christmas party, a all-out drunken bacchanal allowing overheated execs and their mini-skirted typists to roll all over each other......

               Adding to the smutty fun here......just about all the guys in the office, including the Boss (Terry Thomas) have longed to ooze their way into Nancy's pants........(for these guys, it's the Golden Age before the dawn of Sexual Harassment lawsuits....)

               Somewhere in the midst of all this madness, Sweet Nancy gets a makeover (allowing Terry Thomas to run through his full gamut of mugging expressions).....and emerges with her innocent virginal freckles smeared over with pancake makeup....and now physically transformed into her simmering, sexy Doppelganger.......

              Rest easy......this is still the 1960's we're dealing with here.......for all the make-believe sleaze on display, morality rules in the end.  Hot Nancy sees the error of her wayward ways and returns to her sweet self........and activates the office sprinkler system, interrupting her co-workers' Christmas orgy with that surefire trusted remedy - a cold shower.

               Everything you need to know about this film's true attitude toward men and women comes at the finale, as Sweet Nancy takes a pratfall on her ass while running to hug 'n smooch her justifiably confused fiance.......

                When she complains of taking a hard slap to her bottom, her lovey-dovey husband-to-be cracks, "Saves me the trouble...."........(who's this guy think he is.....Christian Gray?)

                As we said, it's the 1960's.....(which is similar to guy who tells Jack Nicholson, "It's Chinatown, Jake"...) "The Wild Affair" takes its well-earned place as one of our favorite Guilty Pleasure.....3 stars(***) for this crazy time-capsule snapshot of a long gone era.....and for allowing Nancy Kwan to charm the hell out of us as the world's most desirable split personality.....

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