Wednesday, November 14, 2018


Pacific Rim: Uprising (2018)    And this, boys and girls, is that dreaded, poisonous entity that's destroying the world faster than Global Warming.......

              The film specifically made for......the 'International Market'.........

              English translation of that film biz term:   Movies made for gibbering idiots whose idea of entertainment consists of giant robots and giant monsters throwing themselves into big city glass skyscapers.......

                This peculiar demographic, which cuts across all borders of both hemispheres, includes ADD-afflicted 8 year olds, 42 year old fanboys sleeping on couches in their parents' basements, people who spend their every waking hour posting photos of themselves on Instagram.....and 15 year old Multiplex ushers who end up watching part the movie while waiting to clean up the spilled popcorn and gummi bears as the credits roll........

                Given that the credits for an 'International Market' movie contain an infinite scrolling list of CGI animators, these ushers have enough time to clean the theaters, finish their term papers and sit back and watch four music videos on their cellphones......

                 Movies like this also have geo-political uses.........our sources inform us that forced viewings of "Pacific Rim: Uprising" given to Guantanamo inmates (with their eyes pinned open), caused them to reveal the whereabouts of numerous terrorist cells........

                  Enough.......we can't go on.......other than to say.......never has any film we've watched for this blog so quickly established its AFH ABOMINATION FROM HELL......

                   Hearty congratulations to the filmmakers and everyone in the cast........if we're all very very lucky......none of you will ever work again..

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