Sunday, June 24, 2018


Thoroughbreds (2017)   Holy Film Festival!   Our mind just officially boggled.......

              After so many ranting posts we've done about self-indulgent, navel gazing phony crap infesting the Independent film scene.........we come across this.......

                Perfectly acted, skillfully written with ice cold wit........and most jaw-dropping, photographed, edited and directed with the kind of precise, calibrated cinematic excellence you'd associate with Hitchcock, Kubrick, Scorcese and Spielberg......

                Yeah, we'll admit it.......this movie wowed the hell out of us.

                You know how much we hate dragging ourselves (and you) through laborious plot descriptions, so let's just leave it at this.........two teen girls, Amanda and Lily (Olivia Cooke, Anya-Taylor-Joy) from the wealthy Connecticut suburbs plot to murder Lily's overbearing stepfather......

                ..........and for this task, they enlist the aid of a twitchy, hyper drug dealing sex offender.... .which is tragically the last brilliant performance we'll ever see from the late Anton Yelchin.....(filmed before he died in a freak accident)

                Writer-director Cory Finley puts this all together like he's been writing directing movies for a lifetime......the two actresses deliver their carefully crafted lines with deadpan, devastating authority and the composition of the camera shots almost took our breath away with their knowing authority.

               (Special nod, before we forget, to Erik Friedlander's music score, done almost entirely with ominous drumbeats.....)

                No sense writing any more stuff about this.

                You get the point, we're sure.

                BQ says see it. Now. One of the best films of last year, no contest.  5 stars (*****) ....the real honest-to-BQ, genuine FIND OF FINDS.

                Memo to fledgling directors trying to squeeze their movies into Sundance 2019:   Put your friggin' cellphone-cameras down, sit and watch this movie a few times (or more). You might learn what a real film looks like.

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