Wednesday, June 27, 2018


            Not easy to do, we admit...….

            The Muslim Ban and the Trillion Dollar debt-inducing tax cut for millionaires are not the true achievements of Baby Orange......

             His greatest accomplishment?  His lasting legacy?

             He's turned the entire country into a Middle School cafeteria.........and the population into 8th graders, hurling vile, hate-filled insults at each other.......

              He's succeeded in dragging the United States Of America down to his own gutter level.......while encouraging people to air out their every dark thought and impulse.

               And to his great glee and delight, (since he thrives on chaos and strife), he's managed to push those who resists him (who constitute the majority of the country) into ever-increasing fits of rage.......
              Hence the most popular topic of conversation this week.........the disappearance of civility in our public discourse........

              Hence the angry crowds, taking it out on his repulsive crew of minions when they eat at restaurants........

               As satisfying as it may seem to people, depriving these Trumpian bottom-feeders of their Saturday night enchiladas is not productive or constructive to us......and no answer.

               So what's to be done?

               We've already made our opinion clear about public figures from the Resistance who take Baby Orange's bait and decide to roll around in the sewer with him.....

              And Baby Orange?  Their sputtering attempts at nasty attacks have about the same effect on him as one of his cholesterol-clogged McDonald's lunches..........he's lovin' it.......

              From this point forward, we humbly suggest that those folks who enjoy Bully Pulpits through their celebrity status start using their influence to remind people to get off their asses and vote in November.......

               Make no mistake about this.......the November election comes down to which country Americans want to live in.........either the United States Of America, as created in 1776.......or the weird, dark violent Mythical Kingdom Of Trump.....which is far closer in spirit to Mordor from "Lord Of The Rings" than any known country on Planet Earth.

               Leave the withering ridicule to the people who do it best......the late night hosts........clearly, they continue to fulfill their vital task of getting under Baby Orange's ultra-thin skin.......and letting the air out of an ego that dwarfs any Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade balloon.....

               Everyone else........enough with the four letter words and vicious insults........turning yourself into a Trumpanzee only diminishes you.  Start using your voice and influence to impress upon people what's at stake in November.......and to vote, vote, VOTE.

             Keep it up.......and keep civil while you're at it........

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