Tuesday, June 5, 2018


                 In case we hadn't mentioned it recently........just like the Fresh Prince Of Bel Air, we're West Philadelphia born 'n raised....

                  And even now parked on the beach, we still love our hometown.....

                  And we still love our football team, The Eagles....(or as we  usually said, ..."...da Iggles...")

                   Baby Orange, that whiner extraordinaire, uninvited our team from a visit to his White House......

                  As always, poor Baby had his feelings hurt.......only a few of the players planned to attend.......since most of them, like the majority of the country, are nauseated and repulsed by Baby Orange turning the country into his own personal toxic, fascistic, racist hell.......

                   So Baby O. unleashed a favorite from his repertoire of vile, divisive untruths.......that the NFL players taking a knee to protest police brutality against unarmed African Americans was somehow an insult to the military......

                  Ah yes......Baby Orange's great love affair with the military..........which only manifested itself when he was far, far above draft age.......

                  When he was eligible to enter the military (during the Vietnam War).......Baby Orange became terribly afflicted with 'bone spurs'.......helping him to escape the military five times.......

                   But that was then.........now our Great Lover Of The Flag and Anthem bravely and fearlessly wages war on a new enemy........black athletes who dare to exercise their Constitutional right to peaceful protest.

                  We say........God Bless our Philadelphia Eagles.........

                  And to hell with the bloated psychopath who thinks he's running  a country like his beloved mentor Vlad the Hacker.......

                   Go Iggles!

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