Saturday, June 9, 2018


           the love of God......not another one.....

                    After enduring the sheer hell of "A Wrinkle In Time", Beloved Daughter popped in her other prize blu-ray treasure of the week.......something called Every Day (2018)........

                    The horror........the horror........

                    Based on a popular Young Adult novel, the fanciful story features every teen girl's perfect, dream boyfriend....

                    He's attentive, he's kind, he's sensitive, he's loving, he's empathetic to the max........

                    With one drawback.......he has no body.  We mean that seriously.....No.....Body.

                   Mr. Dreamboat, who refers to himself as "A" (presumably a boyfriend grade he awarded himself) is a formless, shapeless, invisible entity who parks himself in somebody's already-in-use body every 24 hours........

                     So each day he's a spiritual, lovey-dovey parasite in a fresh host, who barely remembers a thing when the day's up and it's time for 'A' to float into another possessed soul........

                    As if teens didn't have enough identity problems, poor 'A', apparently is an adolescent himself, since he goes lookin' for love by inhabiting all shapes, sizes and genders of his peers.  In hopping from body to body, at least A's all about inclusion.......

                     Which makes things really tough and conflicted for the girl who falls in love with him........since he arrives every day in package.

                   Sometimes he shows up as a skinny, self-effacing white dude......the next day he's a 280 pound, bald Asian guy......and so on and so on.......(kind of like Sally Field's "Sybil", only with actual different bodies....)

                    Yes, we're asking the same questions we did regarding all the rules and regulations that govern 'A's, what are the parameters of his powers.......who gave birth to him.....Casper and Slimer?

                  We made no more effort to figure that stuff out than we did trying to decipher the pure gibberish that made up "A Wrinkle In Time"s plot exposition....

                   But "Every Day" did prove a far more easier pill to swallow than the megaton Disney atrocity.......

                 Watching multiple young actors take their best shots at inhabiting 'A'  made the film strangely watchable.  And you couldn't ask for a more sweeter, adorably confused heroine than Angourie Rice (who almost stole the show from Russell Crowe and Ryan Gosling in "The Nice Guys").

                  And we'll not complain that much about a film whose primary message is......."why not talk to the dork who sits next to you in might discover he's the One...."  (or something to that effect....)

                 Best thing of all this film had going for giant-sized Oprah anywhere in sight.

                 So we might have been a tad hasty in moaning out "the horror......the horror...." before this one started.  Loony in its plot but tolerable in its execution......for this one day, we'll float out 2 & 1/2 stars for "Every Day" (**1/2).  Back to the grown-up stuff tomorrow, we promise.........(at least before Beloved Daughter unleashes a new batch of Blu-Rays, heaven help us....)



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