Friday, June 22, 2018


                  BQ would prefer to file this entire week under....."you can't make this stuff up....."

                  Baby Orange Caves In At took nauseating 70% of the country to do it, but it finally happened......... must have really pissed him off that the usual strategy, repeating the same lie over and over again, finally failed him....."'s the Democrats' hands are tied..."

                  Kristjen Neilsen dines at a Mexican, we won't pile on.......giver her a break.......Cruella De Homeland is entitled to her burrito.......personally, we sleep safe at night knowing she's on the job, incarcerating those screaming toddlers.....(who most likely have automatic weapons and knives hidden in their teddy bears....)

                 "Womp Womp" Lewandowski .........mocking an immigrant child with Down Syndrome.......well, at least everyone now knows the extraordinary depth of this guy's creepiness.....even 'Jakanka' couldn't stand having him around.......

                 Stephen Miller......a special nod to Baby Orange's mini-Himmler......the malignant mastermind who bravely brought immigrant toddlers to their knees, wailing for their parents.........maybe he can get some kind of Reverse Nobel Prize.......'Master Of Misery'......

                  The KKK Keebler Elf......aka Attorney General Sessions...........trying to enjoy every minute of caging kids before Baby Orange remembers the Russia probe and goes back to whacking him like a pinata......

                   Melania and her "I Really Don't Care" jacket.........To quote Yoda.....'Speechless, we are....'    This goes back to 'you can't make this stuff up' only confirms our long held suspicion........that Baby Orange must have accidentally dropped the Amazon box she originally came in, causing irreparable brain damage........(no wonder he picked on Amazon.......they refused to post his 1 star review....("very dissatisfied.....the next bride I'm getting on E-Bay"......)

                    Ivanka........graciously thanking Daddy for signing one of those jumbo French Restaurant menus to stop child separations........which he started to begin with........(she doesn't realize yet that Daddy probably only signed the order to win a date with her......)

                   and just to mention that there's also no shortage of massive stupidity on the other side of the political spectrum, we give you........

                    Peter Fonda.........crawled out of whatever deep hole he's been buried in to tweet about throwing Barron Trump in a cage with pedophiles.   So Easy Rider's still ingesting leftover drugs from 1969?   Memo to Fonda, De Niro and all other celebrities who think crawling into the gutter with Trump will do any good........SHUT.  THE.  HELL.  UP.  YOU. IDIOTS.


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