Wednesday, September 20, 2017


The Child Finder by Rene Denfeld (2017)   The very last thing we wanted to crack open this month was yet another in the "former child abductee searches for an abducted child" genre.....these books are starting to pile up like planes in a snowbound the point where we took to reviewing them two at a time (see our post on "The Lost Ones" and "Girl Last Seen"....)

            But we'd heard all about author Rene Denfeld's unique approach to this rapidly exhausting fashioning it as a strangely gossamer, almost otherworldly fable, the darkest of fairy tales told in lilting, gracefully poetic prose.......

             Denfeld doesn't disappoint......she spins her story with equal touches of creepiness, sadness, suspense and deeply felt warmth and sentiment.....(those last two qualities rarely found amidst the misery and violence of other abducted child thrillers......)

             Unlike the heroines of similar books, "The Child Finder"s Naomi doesn't wallow in alcohol, drugs or the PTSD of her horrific childhood.  Empowering herself, she's become a P.I. who specializes in rescuing kidnapped children from their pedophile abductors.....

              As Naomi methodically scours the cold forbidding backwoods of Oregon for a long missing little girl, Denfeld crosscuts heartbreaking scenes of the child's imprisonment and abuse at the hands of a monstrous hermit with his own pathetic, tragic backstory.......

               Denfeld's lighter-than-air, lyrical style may first seem at odds with the subject matter.....but it's sort of a neat literary magic trick she pulls off.........telling a modern day Grimm's Fairy Tale, complete with deep, dark woods setting, a little princess in harrowing danger.....and in Naomi, a brave Knight on a rescue quest.

               Unusual, haunting, exquisitely written......the BQ has no trouble finding 4 stars (****) for "The Child Finder"......we strongly suggest you go on the hunt and find a copy......

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