Saturday, September 30, 2017


Baby Orange tweetstorms the Mayor of San Juan......Not that it's any great comfort in the current situation.....but she should consider this the equivalent of the Congressional Medal Of Honor and the Nobel be vilified by a huuuuuuge piece of excrement that walks on two legs.....

Baby Orange slams suffering Puerto Ricans......"They want everything done for them!".......much like Baby Orange when it comes to trying to conducting Presidential business or trying to pass Trumpcare.......

 Baby Orange calls Tom Price "a good man" before firing him.....English translation of Baby Orange-Speak...."good man" English, "sorry-ass sucker got caught"

Jared and Ivanka's private e-mails in the White for the remake of  "Convict Babes In Chains", starring Crooked Hilary and Princess Baby Orange as cellmates......all hell breaks loose when Jared "I'm In Charge Of The World At Large" Kushner busts out of the neighboring men's prison, looking for a conjugal visit.......

Baby Orange confounded by the's a really big ocean, an unbelievable amount of water.....not to worry, help is on the way.....Spain has dispatched the Nina, the Pinta, and the Santa Maria......arriving late February.....

Baby Orange's Orange-ettes fly like Saudi Princes on U.S. taxpayer money.....Memo to all MAGA redhats......hear that sucking sound?  It's you......sinking into the swamp that your GruppenFuhrer promised he'd drain for you.......the only thing he knows how to drain is your wallet...

Baby Orange gives himself a tax break......and Congress can't pass it fast enough.....those blackmail notes from Putin and the Moscow Whores Consortium are piling up like crazy......believe me.

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