Monday, September 18, 2017


Baby Orange tweets himself hitting Hilary with a golf very Presidential......Baby Orange thought it was know what's funnier than Hilary slammed in the back with a golf ball?.......the sight of Baby Orange in golf togs, when not wearing his dark suit and red tie draped down to his crotch.....revealing him as the the fat slob poster boy for the horrors of fast food...(those arteries can't clog fast enough....)....we guess the tail end of the tie serves to point the way for his tiny hands to find his penis when it's time to urinate......

Trumpanzees burn their MAGA hats......Pity the woebegone dense that they only are just now finding out that Baby Orange is literally a hollow man to his very core....that the only thing Baby Orange truly believes Baby Orange.

Sean Spicer wows 'em at the Emmys......This lumbering asshole who sold his soul to become America's basks in his fifteen minutes of fame, soaking up the media attention like Baby Orange soaking in the pee cascading out of Russian prostitutes.......

Speaking of The Emmys...."In Memorium".......The awards show honors the memory of that creepy toxic slug Roger Ailes.....Jabba The News Exec.....but leaves out Harry Dean Stanton, Dick Gregory and host of other worthies who passed away.........Glenn Campbell in his final moments had a better memory than the people who plan "In Memorium" segments on awards shows.........

Baby Orange calls Korea's Kim 'Rocket Man'.......Aha, this must be the elementary school playground diplomatic solution........we can't wait for Kim to respond with "I know you are, but what am I?"........

           Let us now once again weep for America and the entire world........but we promise we'll be back tomorrow with great stuff to take your mind off things..........Peace, Love and Boneless Rib Combination Platters at China Delight.....the BQ.....

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